
Easy Tips for Getting in Shape for a Summer Gaycation

We’ve all let ourselves go a bit in quarantine, but since the situation with the pandemic is getting better all over the world, we might be looking at a summer of our lives. But what can you do about that winter belly? Now is the right time to start your journey towards getting in shape for your summer gaycation and being the top attraction at any beach. 

Make a plan

If you’re serious about getting your body back in shape, make sure to be organized. A clear plan of everything you want to achieve and everything you need to give up will put you one step closer to your perfect summer body. However, don’t set goals that are too high—not seeing the results you set for yourself will just ruin your motivation. Also, make a schedule of your workouts and rest days that will help you stay organized and focused. 

Find a personal trainer

First of all, make sure to pick a good trainer, but not something that will be too distracting if you know what we mean. The key to progress is staying focused, so don’t mix work and pleasure. Anyway, make sure the gym you pick and the trainer has the necessary equipment and knowledge to show you what you need to do, when and how much. With a bit of mentoring, you will only make gains and stay on your path for much longer. 

Start with your diet

Any person with abs will tell you that a flat belly is made in the kitchen, not at the gym, so you will need to leave your quarantine diet behind you and start focusing on healthy and nutritious food. If you want to put on some muscle, don’t restrict your calories too much, just load your body with good foods like proteins, good fats and good carbs. If you hate to cook or don’t have time for those extensive meal preps, you can sign up for a meal plan delivery service and get fresh and nutritious food every week. The best thing about this program is that you can opt for a weight loss plan, sculpt plan, performance plan or gain plan, depending on your goals, which greatly simplifies your eating schedule. 

Ditch sugars 

No matter how much you try to kill every workout at the gym, sugary drinks and other sweets can ruin your progress completely. So make sure to ditch all those carbonated drinks and replace them with natural hydration. If you miss sweet foods, you can look up easy and zero-sugar treats you can make at home. 

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is key to a healthy and sexy body, so make sure to always have a bottle of water or a cup of green tea with you. We know it’s hard to survive without iced coffee from Starbucks, but these are full of calories. On the other hand, water and green tea have zero calories, yet they support metabolic rate, cause your body to burn more calories and make a huge change to your mood and energy levels.

Don’t run from supplementation

Supplements get a bad reputation, but if taken responsibly, they can boost your productivity and performance and allow you to reach your goals faster. A quality protein powder can be your best friend while you’re working out. Drink it every time after a workout and you’ll replenish your energy, feed your muscles and boost recovery. However, make sure to choose a protein powder that matches your weight goals. When it comes to other supplements, it’s best to consult a personal trainer or a workout specialist who will tell you what and how to take for the best results. 

There you have it, a simple plan on how you can get that Greek god body (or at least something that won’t embarrass you at the beach). No one will be able to resist your sun-kissed guns as you stroll the beach! It all sounds a bit harsh, but pretty hurts! If you stay consistent, you will have your sexy body ready for a gaycation of a lifetime. 

Published by


Peter Minkoff

Peter Minkoff is a gay travel and lifestyle writer. Besides writing, he worked as a travel journalist for many publications in Australia and the UK. Follow Peter on Facebook and Twitter for more tips. Peter Minkoff ist ein schwuler Reise- und Lifestyle-Autor. Er arbeitete als Reisejournalist für viele Publikationen in Australien und Großbritannien. Folge Peter auf Facebook und Twitter für weitere Tipps.